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Monroe Weekly Newsletter 8/25/24

In this post:

  1. Lockers & Locks

  2. Uniform Policy

  3. School Start & End Times

  4. Bus Transportation

What an incredible start to the school year! Each day has brought something fresh and new, and we're thrilled that you’ve chosen Monroe Demonstration as your middle school for the 2024-2025 school year. After four days of getting to know each other, we’re eager to see what the next week has in store.

Read on for details about the upcoming week, including important reminders and new information.

Lockers & Locks

Every student now has a locker! It's important that students store their personal belongings in their locker at the start of each day. Please remind your student to do this. If you haven’t purchased a lock yet, please do so as soon as possible. For the safety of their belongings, the locker needs to be secured with a lock.

Even if a lock isn’t in place yet, students are still required to store their items in their lockers. Please remind them to do so each morning. We want them focused and ready for class to make the most of their learning opportunities. Thank you for your support in helping us make this happen!

Here are some links to decently priced locks that you can purchase for your student.


Uniform Policy

We’re proud of our students for following the uniform guidelines this past week! With only a few minor issues, we’d like to take a moment to remind families of the uniform requirements. Your support in making sure your student is in uniform each day is greatly appreciated. This helps us avoid any disruptions for families at home or work. Thank you for your continued attention to this matter!



  • 6th Grade = GRAY Polo

  • 7th Grade = BLACK Polo

  • 8th Grade = GOLD Polo


  • Khaki or Black Pants, Shorts, or Skirts.


  • Closed-Toe shoes must be worn; NO Slides/open-toe

Students Are NOT Permitted to Wear:

  • NO Open-toe shoes or shoes without a back (slippers, flip flop, slides, etc.).

  • NO Jeans, sweatpants or gym shorts. NO Pants with rips/holes.

  • NO Tights or leggings as outerwear (including spandex, bike shorts, etc.).

  • NO Hoodies / hooded garments at school.

  • NO Hoodies / hooded garments at school.

  • NO Hats/head coverings (scarves, bonnets, bandanas, sweatbands, etc.).

  • NO Cell Phones on your person on campus.

  • If students bring a cell phone to school, it must remain OFF and in their lockers at ALL TIMES during the school day. 

  • Our Cell Phone policy is grounded in research – the policy is focused on ensuring the safety and success of our students and staff.


School Start & End Times

Students have become familiar with our arrival and departure procedures after practicing over the past four days. As a friendly reminder, school starts at 9:15 am, and our doors open at 8:50 am. It's important to keep in mind that students need enough time in the morning to go through our TSA procedures, grab breakfast, eat, and store their belongings in their locker. Dropping students off as late as 9:10 am, for instance, might result in them being late to class and marked tardy. Since instruction begins right at the bell, we don’t want your student to fall behind. Please help us ensure they have enough time by dropping them off early enough to comfortably reach their classroom.


Bus Transportation

Please make sure your child knows which bus they should take in the afternoon if they ride the bus home. It's essential that they are familiar with both their bus number and their stop.

We recommend reviewing this information with your child and having them write it down to keep in their bag.


Check out photos from this week!


Dana Simmons


Ben Imlay

Assistant Principal

Krystal Medina

Assistant Principal

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